Social Media for Restaurants

Social Media for Restaurants

Great restaurant businesses include:

  • solid goal-setting
  • the right leader
  • great teamwork
  • good numbers
  • cutting-edge advertising and sales strategies
  • smooth workflow
  • proper organization of content
  • a great menu

The why-power of any business is the main source that fuels the fire for peak performance and costumer experience. And the why-power originates from the vision owner or leader of the company.

This “mission” is instilled within a competent team of managers that collaborate well to drive traffic and sales for the restaurant. Effective collaboration between top-performing managers translates to effective communications within the company, as well as conjuring systems and business structures that are both efficient and convenient for customers and other employees.

Online Marketing Success

The many questions that customers and potential new customers have about your restaurant can be answered directly, briefly, and frequently on social media. Social media for restaurants is a truly effective form of social proofing to attract more guests and to encourage guests to spend more money.

Social media websites allow boundless engagement and communication between businesses and clients, as well as potential buyers. As a part of a marketing campaign, social media can greatly increase restaurant brand awareness as online users “talk” about your restaurant. This generates substantial traffic to your website that grows exponentially and in turn increases the number of feet that step through the door.

Let’s discuss the top five online social media platforms, how they can promote your restaurant, and how to utilize the different features of each one. In the information age, promoting your business can be as easy as clicking a few buttons!

Important Things to Get Started:

1. In-depth knowledge of your menu, cooking, and business systems: Content is King when it comes to posting on social media pages.

2. Consistency: Daily posts attract more traffic by working with algorithms. More viewers = more sales.

3. Ability to sell the sizzle, not the steak: Be anything BUT boring!

4. Creative storytelling: Intro – story – content – transition – pitch. Stories are an integral part of marketing.

5. Numbers and statistics: The specifics of your restaurant are very appealing to online viewers.

6. Call-to-Action: “What’s next?”

Utilizing the power of the internet to promote your restaurant and increase profits is a necessary part of your marketing technique during these days of the smartphone. Do not overlook these groundbreaking techniques to increase your revenue and profit!

Facebook (1.65 billion active monthly users)

Facebook contains a complete marketing toolbox readily available for any restaurant at the click of a button. And with the potential to reach millions of users every day, leveraging this social media platform is almost guaranteed to increase your day-to-day sales, as well as your online presence!

  • Facebook Live: Include cooking demonstrations, livestreams of events, and even tours of your restaurant. The video is the ultimate marketing platform and you can get really creative with the Facebook Live feature.
  • Fan Page: Include photos, tips, discounts, and promotions on your Facebook Fan Page. Creating a Facebook page for your restaurant is a great way to share value with your customers, which increases loyalty.
  • Marketing Integration: Boost posts, set up daily ads budget, and go. Facebook features a fully-automated marketing system designed to increase traffic to your restaurant’s website.
  • Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons: On your Facebook Business / Fan Page, you can customize buttons according to how you would like to engage with your customers. For example, you can set up a button for customers to leave reviews about the restaurant, find your location, view your menu/ website, tag you in photos/ videos and share photos, or even send a message on the Messenger app.

Instagram (700 Million Active Monthly Users)

Instagram is one of the best assets to utilize for promoting a restaurant. It gives owners the ability to customize their websites the way they see fit. Like magic, you can set up your Instagram business page in a way so users can easily access any information about your restaurant with the tap of a button.

This photo-based online platform provides much versatility in marketing a restaurant. Food photos are and always will be trending on Instagram. Use hashtags wisely and your restaurant will appear to any users who search for food photos. And don’t forget to tag your location in your photos to make your business easier to find.

YouTube (2 Billion Monthly Active Users)

YouTube is essentially the online creativity hub, racking in two billion active users. The opportunity to showcase your restaurant and share content with your customers gives you the chance to be as creative as you wish with video editing, titles, and hashtags.

Also, putting keywords that are SEO-based in your video description helps to bring your website on the first page of Google searches.


Marketing your restaurant on social media is an important aspect of your online marketing campaigns. Select the platforms that make the most sense for your business, and watch your revenues increase!

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